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Monday, March 22, 2010

50 Follower Contest!! You Pick!!

So guys I have Finally Hit 50 (now 90)!! Yay me!! So it means time to celebrate!! So I have a contest for you guys I was going to make this a Followers only but I Love the Blog world to much. So This book contest is open  it to all, I mean it even you International People. So here are the rules Contest is open to everyone as I said, all you need to do is fill out the form, I will not accept comment entries (so make sure you fill out the form). Contest will end at the End, but because April 1st is April Fools I will make the Contest end on April 1st 11:59 EST (now been changed to April 3rd 11:59 EST). So winner(s) will be chosen at random using Random.org. To get Extra Entries (better chances to win) Check out the form for extras! For now there will be TWO Winner(s) for now, each winner will have a choice to pick ONE of the following bookd. 

But if I reach:

75 Followers- I will Add and Extra Winner
100 Followers (Now only 8 more to go)- Contest will have 4 Winners!!
So on, and So on.
Contest now closed!!

So the Contest works Both Ways, let me explain. Depending on what book the Winner chooses I'll win as well meaning if you (the winner) choose a book I don't already own I will send one to you and get one for me. If you choose a book I already own I don't get the book, that plain and simple. So what Can you win it's your choice, but to make it a 50/50 chance I picked the book(s), but you do get to choose which one you like to win.

So Here they ARE:


So how the Prizes work 1st Prize get first choice on the book they want, and so on.

So a lot of good choices can't wait to see what peoples choices are!! Again this contest is International (the only but is that before entering please go over to the Book Depository and see if they ship to your country, sorry).  So I'm excited. Another thing Beware some books are Adult book not YA fiction, so if you are a teen, beware (ask me if you have any questions) 

So here is the link to the form this is a MUST!! To be entered you MUST fill the Form out Click the word Form to a direct like to it!

To Enter Contest Must Fill Out FORM

So guys the contest is now closed because we hit passed 75 there will be three winners so let me tally it and I'll post it ASAP!! Thanks to all who entered, and Good Luck!! 

Happy Reading Guys

Kelly P.


Dazzling Mage said...

Awesome books to giveaway! =D

Amanda Makepeace said...

WooHoo! Congrats!

Elaine G said...

congrats on 50+ followers

Kelly Peres said...

Thanks Guys!! Hope you have entered already!! If soo goodluck!! and if you havent get on too it!!

thanks for stopping by

Happy Reading

angie said...

Congrats on the followers and thanks for the giveaway!

Brodie said...

Congratulations on your 50 followers! Woohoo! And awesome contest, great books up for grabs :) Thanks!

Shy said...

Congrats on you 50 followers!! Yummy book choices, really. Hoping I'd get lucky *lol* Thank you so much!

Unknown said...

Awesome giveaway!! love it =)))

cheers for the followers and here's to getting many more! =)))


sRy_ said...

I love the cover of Ash :)


Sherry said...

Congrats on 50 and now 75!! :)

Candace said...

Congratulations!!! Woo Hoo!

Kelly Peres said...

Hey thanks guys!! Hope you guys have all entered already!!

Good Luck!!

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