The most excitement teacher Shannon Parker expected on her summer vacation was a little shopping. But then her latest purchase--a vase with the Celtic goddess Epona on it--somehow switches her into the world of Partholon, where she's treated like a goddess. A very temperamental goddess…
It seems that Shannon has stepped into another's role as the Goddess Incarnate of Epona. And while it has some very appealing moments--what woman doesn't like a little pampering now and then?--it also comes with a ritual marriage to a centaur and the threat of war against the evil Fomorians. Oh, and everyone disliking her because they think she's her double.
Somehow Shannon needs to figure out how to get back to Oklahoma without being killed, married to a horse or losing her mind….
So I finished Divine by Mistake this weekend, I went in with a feeling of unease, because I thought maybe I would dislike it. I was really looking forward to see my reaction, as I am a big fan of the Partholon, and ancient history. Let me warn you now the beginning was a bit slow and there were some parts I wished could have been cut out. BUT don't let that change your mind, because in the end the book prevailed and I loved it. Closer to the middle you can see the creativity that P.C. Cast has when writing Fantasy novels, with a creative edge when it came to the romance.
So as I was saying in the paragraph above you can really see P.C. Cast creative touch to each character. Casts' character were well thought out and perfectly delivered. I even kind of liked Nuada and Rhiannon (real one) even though they were crazy and evil. Another thing who would ever think I or even anyone who reads this novel would find a Centaur HOT!! Totally unexpected, but ClanFintan so hot. Some characters seemed so real (I swear the seem like people I know) example Alanna who at first is a servant then a loyal friend. Like any other person would have not dealt with what Rhea (Shannon) puts her through (but I definitely know people like that). What are friends for right to stick with each other through thick and thin (even crow like vampires hehe had to add that). For those of you who know me a highlight in a book is a well written Romeo and Juliet love story. Let me just say this book is Definitely NOT MEANT FOR TEENS. What a Hot, Hot love story well thought and the description were fabulous (I think I'm in love with ClanFintan). One thing I have to add I adore that though Shannon Parker was thrown in to someone else's life the people she cares about their faces are even in the Parthalon (even if they have different names). On to the Fomorians, they are so creepy and gross, totally fit the part on creature about to reap havoc. One thing though if you have read other books by P.C. Cast don't the seem familiar as in Kalonas arm in HON series?? Did anyone else notice that. The Still are cool, but give my the hebee jeebies P.C. Cast an awesome knack for description when it comes to surrounding areas, to moods, I applaud her on that.
So enough with my babbling I'm sorry if I have spoiled anything, but I hope I peaked your temptation :P to pick this book up. I highly recommend it, especially for those who like Adult, Fantasy, and Romance novels. This book has it all and must be read. I can't give it enough praises. Have to give cover love to the UK cover I adore it, so eye catching like the cherry on top of Ice Cream.
Thanks again to Mira for asking me to review this series, I'm loving it.
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Good Luck and Happy Reading. (More to come in the Divine series, contest and Reviews)
This sounds like a great book! I enjoyed reading your review!
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Thanks for hosting! I love PC Cast! Please enter me.
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Beverly @ The Wormhole
Thank you for the review and contest. I look forward to trying a Cast book for myself :)
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Don't forget to tell me what you think?? Think you like it?? I want your opinion!
Great contest. As for my opinion of the book, can't really say yet, but it looks interesting and different.
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+1 name: Bhumi
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Great review! Sounds like a great read. Thanks for hosting a contest. Please enter me.
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+1 name: Beverly @ The Wormhole
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Divine By Mistake sounds as if I will really enjoy it. The cover is awesome.
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